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We live in a moment where the key discourses which have dominated our understanding of the world ? of politics, economics and culture at large ? suddenly seem inadequate to the task of engaging with an allegedly ?post-truth? environment. New discourses are struggling to emerge; some old ones appear once again to be urgently relevant. The political challenges now confronting us are urgent and manifold, and demand serious critical thinking. These include: inequality, migration, climate change, neo-imperialism, neo-nationalism and isolationism, the exploitations and depredations of global capitalism and resurgent misogyny and racism. The MA in English: Literatures of Engagement addresses this sense of crisis by recognising the significant role that literature ? and the critical discourses associated with the study of literature ? have in both reproducing and analysing cultural values and ideologies, but also in articulating responses and resistance to those. The programme is underpinned by a conviction that any critique of contemporary culture must be rooted in an informed understanding of historical currents shaping the present.
Post Graduate Course / English / Maynooth

Intakes: September Intake 2025 ( Open ) ,

English Tests Scores:
  • 1. DET (Duolingo English test) [ 110 ]
  • 2. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) [ 6.5 ]
  • 3. PTE (Pearson Test of English) [ 58 ]
  • 4. TOEFL Internet Based [ 79 ]
1 year
The taught MA in French is aimed at graduates with a primary honours degree in French, with a minimum of 2.2 or equivalent, who have spent a year in France, or who have equivalent expertise in French language. It is designed for graduates of French who wish to take their study of French language, literature and culture to a deeper level and to enhance their language skills. A significant proportion of the course is delivered and assessed through French. Core teaching involves modules on writing and presentation skills in French, practical translation and research methodology. The course is designed around the theme of writing and exile, a topic that corresponds to departmental research expertise in the modern and early modern periods. There are elective modules (taught through English) in women's writing, translation studies and conflict studies. The minor thesis (15,000-20,000 words) involves independent research and collaboration with a supervisor on an agreed subject. It is possible to study modules of particular interest without completing a Masters degree or to exit with a Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9) in French after completing 60 credits of taught modules.
Post Graduate Course / Humanities, Arts & Tourism / Maynooth

Intakes: September Intake 2025 ( Open ) ,

English Tests Scores:
  • 1. DET (Duolingo English test) [ 110 ]
  • 2. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) [ 6.5 ]
  • 3. PTE (Pearson Test of English) [ 58 ]
  • 4. TOEFL Internet Based [ 79 ]
1 year
The MA in Geography is designed for students who wish to deepen their understanding of key geographical ideas and themes, develop their critical thinking skills, undertake independent research in an area of specialist interest, and significantly enhancing their professional skills. The MA in Geography offers a wide-ranging programme of taught modules so students can choose what classes best suit their interests and career goals. The programme is designed to develop critical spatial thinking, deepen specialist knowledge, and strengthen employability skills from a human geography perspective. Through this Programme, students will become familiar with a range of geographical perspectives applied to critical societal and environmental challenges, including decarbonisation, migration, mobility and housing. Through its publicly engaged research, the department has developed an extensive network of public engagement partners. The MA provides unique public engagement opportunities with these civil society partners through its innovative and immersive modules. Student will work together with these partners to collaborate and develop real-world projects. Our research-led and community-partnered teaching and learning approach has been recognised nationally by the Irish University Association.
Post Graduate Course / Humanities, Arts & Tourism / Maynooth

Intakes: September Intake 2025 ( Open ) ,

English Tests Scores:
  • 1. DET (Duolingo English test) [ 110 ]
  • 2. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) [ 6.5 ]
  • 3. PTE (Pearson Test of English) [ 58 ]
  • 4. TOEFL Internet Based [ 79 ]
1 year
The MA in Geography: Spatial Justice is designed for students who wish to deepen their understanding of critical geographical ideas and themes and apply this knowledge to the most pressing societal and environmental challenges of the 21st century. Students will be empowered to think geographically, to develop their critical thinking skills, undertake independent research in an area of specialist interest, and significantly enhance their professional skills. Through this Programme, students will become familiar with a range of geographical perspectives on justice, including spatial, environmental, health and place-based justice. Through cutting-edge research modules, they will apply these perspectives to specific problems and case studies, including decarbonisation, migration, mobility and housing. Through its publicly engaged research, the department has developed an extensive network of public engagement partners. The MA provides unique public engagement opportunities with these civil society partners through its innovative and immersive modules. Student will work together with these partners to collaborate and develop real-world projects. Our research-led and community-partnered teaching and learning approach has been recognised nationally by the Irish University Association.
Post Graduate Course / Humanities, Arts & Tourism / Maynooth

Intakes: September Intake 2025 ( Open ) ,

English Tests Scores:
  • 1. DET (Duolingo English test) [ 110 ]
  • 2. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) [ 6.5 ]
  • 3. PTE (Pearson Test of English) [ 58 ]
  • 4. TOEFL Internet Based [ 79 ]
1 year
Given the wider development of Citizen GIS and an increased public awareness and knowledge of the power and value of spatial data, vastly increased amounts of such data from different sources are now available to researchers. However, in order to turn these data into useful information, they must be efficiently managed, processed and analysed before being displayed in a comprehensible format. Geographical Information Systems and the associated field of Remote Sensing greatly aid us in such tasks. The course is equally split between both parts - GIS and Remote Sensing - with four core module introducing the theory and practice of both subject at an introductory and advanced level. Geographical Information Systems or GIS as they are better known, are widely used in a wide variety of subject fields across the physical and social sciences and even in the humanities, with applicability in everything from archaeology and astronomy to geomorphology and globalisation to soil science and social planning. Remote Sensing ? the analysis and interpretation of aerial and satellite imagery ? has transformed the manner in which we view the Earth. The synoptic view of the Earth that it has given us has greatly improved our understanding of atmospheric and oceanic processes, sustained environmental management and the interaction of humans with the natural world. It is now a standard research tool in many fields such as geology, geography, pollution control, agriculture and climatology. Additional optional modules in Programming, Spatial Databases and Marine Remote Sensing are also available to students who want to develop the technical side more fully, though the course has a strong applied flavour throughout. In addition, all students complete a work placement in the summer months which allows them to gain valuable practical experience to test and develop the skills learnt across the course.
Post Graduate Course / Allied Health / Maynooth

Intakes: September Intake 2025 ( Open ) ,

English Tests Scores:
  • 1. DET (Duolingo English test) [ 120 ]
  • 2. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) [ 6.5 ]
  • 3. PTE (Pearson Test of English) [ 62 ]
  • 4. TOEFL Internet Based [ 95 ]
1 year
The PG Diploma in Geography is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills and competence to critically analyse contemporary societal and environmental challenges from a geographical perspective. Students will be introduced to cutting-edge research in human and physical geography for which Maynooth Geographers are internationally recognised, including in the areas of climate change, urban development, and migration. Students will gain training in mixed research methods appropriate for geographically-informed research, including fieldwork, qualitative and quantitative research methods, GIS and remote sensing. Students will have the opportunity to work with civil society and government partners, learning about the ethical and practical demands of such collaborative research. Educators seeking to teach Geography at secondary level will be exposed to some of the most recent research and pedagogical approaches in the field. The Programme offers current and prospective educators the possibility to earn the basic requirement of 15 credits of physical and 15 credits in human geography. For students seeking to teach Geography at secondary level, it is the student?s responsibility to check with the Irish Teaching Council about what specific requirements are needed.
Post Graduate Course / Humanities, Arts & Tourism / Maynooth

Intakes: September Intake 2025 ( Open ) ,

English Tests Scores:
  • 1. DET (Duolingo English test) [ 120 ]
  • 2. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) [ 6.5 ]
  • 3. PTE (Pearson Test of English) [ 58 ]
  • 4. TOEFL Internet Based [ 79 ]
1 year
The full time MA Degree in International Development is a 1-year taught masters level programme designed to prepare participants for work in international development in a community, local government, youth/adult education, or NGO setting. It offers learners an opportunity to explore contemporary theories of social change and development and to analyse development policies and practices. It builds skills, especially in relation to critical reflection, research, leadership and working with groups and in the planning, management and evaluation of development projects. It is aimed at advanced level participants who hold a primary degree or equivalent qualifications and who have experience of working in a development context in Ireland or in other countries in the Global North or South. Particularly welcome are leaders, facilitators and managers of community development projects, government and development agency staff, people involved in pastoral ministry, researchers, development educators, volunteers and activists. This course is also relevant to academics in the countries of the Global South engaged in teaching and research in development. Places are also retained for recent graduates who wish to study further before embarking on a career in development work. Learners can specialise within the programme by choosing from a number of elective areas that are most suited to their area of interest. The MA in International Development applies a learner-centred, participative approach to learning. This, combined with the diverse groups of full and part-time learners, creates a unique learning enviroment that builds on both the diverse array of experiences of participants and on the knowledge and experiecne of facilitators and instructors.
Post Graduate Course / Humanities, Arts & Tourism / Maynooth

Intakes: September Intake 2025 ( Open ) ,

English Tests Scores:
  • 1. DET (Duolingo English test) [ 110 ]
  • 2. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) [ 6.5 ]
  • 3. PTE (Pearson Test of English) [ 59 ]
  • 4. TOEFL Internet Based [ 92 ]
1 year
The Master?s programme in Peacebuilding, Security and Development Practice offers a rewarding learning experience for those who wish to work in development and peacebuilding in conflict or post-conflict contexts. Integrating negotiation skills with an analysis of wider conflict and development issues, it provides participants with critical insight into the spectrum of international conflict intervention. This includes theory, strategies and practices which range from addressing resource conflict and the use of negotiation tools in the wake of climate change, to the role of governments, business and civil society in participatory peace processes. It explores issues around gender and conflict, racism and human rights; and it addresses security concerns which arise from poverty, exploitation and global economic crises. Drawing on insights from peace education, human security and community development processes, it challenges top-down imposed solutions and examines what?s involved in participatory, community-led processes of change. It draws together insights and analysis from different conflict and development situations, as well as from diverse experiences and perspectives on peace and security. Through it, participants develop the understanding, knowledge and skills they need to play an active and leadership role in peacebuilding, security and development in a variety of situations.
Post Graduate Course / Humanities, Arts & Tourism / Maynooth

Intakes: September Intake 2025 ( Open ) ,

English Tests Scores:
  • 1. DET (Duolingo English test) [ 110 ]
  • 2. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) [ 6.5 ]
  • 3. PTE (Pearson Test of English) [ 59 ]
  • 4. TOEFL Internet Based [ 92 ]
1 year
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