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Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Human Nutrition & Dietetics
Dietitians apply knowledge of food, nutrition and other disciplines such as biochemistry, physiology and social science to promote health, prevent disease and help to manage illness. This course offers you an integrated training in the science of nutrition and dietetics, and its applications to human health and well-being both at the individual and community level. This joint TU Dublin/TCD BSc course is the only such degree course in the Republic of Ireland. Students are registered in TU Dublin and TCD. The broad aim of the course is to produce graduates who are competent to practice at entry level as a dietitian or public health nutritionist or work as a nutrition expert in the industrial and/or private sector. You’ll learn how to apply core science knowledge to dietetics and human nutrition, and will develop scientific and analytical skills. To ensure capacity for evidence-based practice, there’s a strong emphasis on developing problem-solving skills, and the ability to review and critically evaluate scientific data and information and to undertake research and development in dietetics and nutrition. On graduation, you can seek employment in the public or private sectors as a dietitian (or clinical nutritionist) in hospitals or community care in Ireland or the UK. With some further study towards licensing examinations, you may also find work in dietetics in the US, Australia or New Zealand. You are also equipped to work effectively in the private sector, in food companies or in clinical nutrition product sales and marketing.
Undergraduate Course / Sciences & Health / Dublin

Intakes: September Intake ,

English Tests Scores:
  • 1. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) [ 6.5 ]
4 years
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